What You Need To Know About Your Tire Pressure
We often receive this question at our facility - "What should the air pressure in my tires be?"
The importance of maintaining excellent tire pressure can’t be overstated. It's important for your vehicle's overall performance, safety, and fuel efficiency. The best aspect is that finding out the answer is easier than you think. Let’s take a trip and go more into more detail about this question.
How to Find Your Car’s Recommended Tire Pressure
You can find your vehicle’s recommended tire pressure information in two spots which are:
You still need help finding the information, consider consulting a professional. A mechanic or tire specialist will be able to provide you with the recommended tire pressure for your vehicle.
On a placard or sticker on the driver’s side door jam
In your vehicle’s owner’s manual.
Does Temperature Affect Tire Pressure?
Temperature greatly affects the tire pressure of your vehicle. How you may say? Generally, for every 10ºF change in air temperature, your tire's pressure will usually changes by about 1 psi (pound per square inch). In temperatures colder, air tends to contract, causing the tire pressure to go down, which is why you might notice the tire pressure warning light come on in the winter time. With hot temperatures, it is way different since air tends to expand, causing the tire pressure to increase.
Does Correct Tire Pressure Matter?
Absolutely the correct tire pressure matters when being in your vehicle . When tires are inflated correctly, your vehicle will perform better overall. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, vehicles having underinflated tires are more likely to get into crashes related to tire problems. Furthermore, to improved handling and safety, maintaining the right pressure can also offer financial benefits, They are:
Providing better fuel economy
Extending the life of your tires
Signs You Need to Inflate Your Tires
Below are a few indications that your tires are underinflated and needs attention. Read below.
Your car isn’t handling well.
Your ride is less smooth
It takes longer to stop.
You see cracks in one of your tires.
Your tires are wearing out faster than usual.
The steering wheel is shaking or vibrating.
You hear the signs of misalignment (like noisy steering or squealing stops)
If you notice any of these warning signs, inspect your tires. You can ensure all four tires are properly inflated by testing the tire pressure using a tire gauge.

Carwash: Open 24 Hours
Oil Change: 7am - 7pm
Contact #718-842-2185
​1440 Westchester Ave
Bronx, NY 10472